Organizing My Spice Cabinet

This week I took the time to work on one of the projects I’ve been wanting to do for a while; organizing my spice cabinet! Sometimes the simplest changes can make the biggest impact. I love how clean, sleek and minimal they look.

Here’s a few quick tips of you’re going to tackle this project:

  1. Take everything out of your cabinet and take stock! Count how many jars you need too. I decanted all my current spices into these square 4 oz jars. (linked below) You’ll want to know just exactly how many you need.

  2. Next you’ll want to measure your cabinet and see just how many acrylic risers you’ll need.

  3. Lastly, you’ll want to add the labels on your jars and decant your spices into the jars.

Then, lined them all up in any order you like and sit back and admire all your hard work! I wanted to provide links for you to accomplish this project all on your own.

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