The Mascara Showdown!

Finding a great mascara is key to any beauty routine! Finding that one that works best for you can really up your make up game. Sometimes all I wear is lip gloss and mascara most days around my house! 

This year I've tried quite a few brands from high end to drug store and today I'd thought I'd share with you the best and worst of what I've tried. Some pros and cons and hopefully help you find something that might work for you as well.

Let's go! 

Maybelline Big Shot Mascara - (psssst.... get it cheaper on Amazon using my link for $6.99) I've loved their mascaras for a while, I think I used almost all of them in high school and college. This one is fairly new. 

PROS- Great color pay off, good wand, gives great length and definition. water proof. 

CONS- I don't think this one added as much volume as it claims. I liked it for the length and definition it gave me not volume. 

Younique 3D+ Fiber Mascara - This is a two step fiber mascara that you can use. First you add gel and then fibers and repeat till you get the desired look. It's pricey at $29. Overall I wouldn't choose this one, read why; 

PROS- Works well the first time you use it. 

CONS- Fibers don't stay on lashes, they fall off into the eye or face. The fibers are also quite clumpy. And the gel dried out after just 3 weeks of using it. It says it lasts 3 months but I never got that much used from it and re ordered it 4 different times, each one dried out before that time. 

ULTA Legendary Lengths Mascara - I got this mascara and used it for a few months on my search for a great mascara. I really liked the color pay off of this one, and the definition. It's waterproof as well. I would choose this one again and again if it weren't so hard to remove.

PROS- good definition and length. 

CONS- Nothing for volume, and it's really hard to remove. I had to use two makeup wipes to get it all off. Be prepared for racoon eyes when you try to take it off. 

Almay One Coat Multi-benefit Mascara - One coat? Not so sure. I had to work with it quite a bit to get the desired look I wanted. It kept clumping on me. 

PROS- good color pay off, water proof, once I got my lashes coated I liked the look. 

CONS- However, I felt it took several coats to get the look I wanted and I didn't like the clumps.

LimeLight by Alcone Perfect Mascara - This is a new to me mascara. I've only been using it 3 weeks but I really wanted to try another fiber mascara and this one the fibers are built right in, it's one step. I'd choose this one again and again. It's a really great product.

PROS- Great volume, love the look of the fibers, the length and definition it gives me. 


The two that I'd repurchase would be the Perfect Mascara by LimeLight by Alcone and The ULTA Legendary Lengths mascara. Both really great for what they do. I hope you found this helpful. What mascaras have you tried lately? Have you tried any of the ones I mentioned? I'd love to hear your faves in the comments below.